Brutal Defilement Hawai'i: U.S. Military Golf Vandalism
United States of America built the But ridicule is even worse: Yankee recognizes the 3000-acre Mokapu peninsula as historically special - "Mokapu" means "Sacred island" --- but they play golf on family graves. Hawaiian ancestral bones now share cherished land with the cigarette butts, condoms & litter of Yankee occupation forces.
US Marine Corps Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course loudly
proclaims our funerary grounds - their 13th hole - as "Home of the best hole in DoD" (Department of Defense;
see scorecard below). They defile our historic Hawaiian burial zone,
disrespecting a holy area important to local families & community. They ride buggies, chug beer, loudly cavort with
lady-friends, Slice n' Putt on sacred Heleloa beachside funeral grounds. We'd not use their cemetery for golf or Frisbee. Playing on
family graves is uncool. Rudest Disrespect from GI Joe ! |
It's WRONG Yankee plays golf on our ancestral graves.
Hawaiian Kūpuna resting place : Grossly disrespected.
America's military boasts of sacrilege:
Get off Mokapu -- Yankee pua'a !